What is Bubble Church?
Bubble Church is a free, puppet-packed, Jesus-centred, coffee-and-croissant-fuelled, 30 minute kids and families adventure on the 1st Sunday morning of each month! Here's the deal: you turn up at St. Peter's Harrow for a croissant and a coffee, then your family will head to a 'bubble', and you and your little ones will share in 30 mins of song, story, puppets, and prayer.
Please note that Bubble Church is aimed at families with children aged 8 and under, but we'd love older children to help us run it! Please get in touch with Juz if you or your child wants to help!
If Bubble Church sounds up your street please discover more about Bubble Church below and sign up for our next service! Any questions please email juz@stpetersharrow.org.