Our hope at St. Peter’s is that you feel known, valued and connected. Find out more below about the Groups that exist at St. Peter’s and how you can be a part of them.

Connect Groups

Connect Groups at St Peter’s are small groups meeting around a common interest, stage of life or location. They are for EVERYONE and meet throughout the week in a number of different locations. The common theme for all our Connect Groups is that they provide a time and space for people to connect with one another.

Below, you’ll find a list of Connect Groups with details and an opportunity to sign up (if there is still space). After signing the leader will be in contact to give you more details. You are very welcome to try different Connect Groups out, but please be aware spaces are limited.

If you can’t find something for you, then why not start your own? You can get in touch with Jackie using the button below.

Discipleship Groups

Would you like to be more confident in your faith? Would you like to feel more prepared and skilled to face the unknowns of life? Do you want to experience more of the abundant life that Jesus promises everyone who chooses to follow him?

If the answer is ‘yes’ then discipleship groups are for you. They run each year from February-December and along the way you’ll read the Bible in the most incredible way and supplement that with extra reading that will help you apply what God is saying through His Word.

So if you can spare 30mins a day to read and 90mins per week to meet with your discipleship group leader, then we guarantee that you will grow in your faith. We would love to invest in your journey with Jesus.

Look out for announcements in January for more details. Or if you want to know more you can email the team below.

Mission Groups

As part of OneChurch Harrow, Mission Groups are a key part of strategy to pursue the vision to see 10% of Harrow worshipping Jesus. They are all different, and draw on a variety of models - the key common feature is that they exist to reach those who don’t know Jesus and don’t come to church. While each of the Mission Groups have a core leadership team and dedicated members, they are very keen for anyone to get involved, even on an occasional basis alongside other church engagements.

We’re always keen to consider starting new Mission Groups and if you’re interested in starting the process of dreaming with us, please use the button below.

3rd Space

3rd Space is a new worshipping community in the heart of Harrow for anyone to come, explore and discover; it’s Church, but not as you know it. The aim of 3rd space is to reach people who are currently not attending Church and to make new Christian disciples.

3rd Space meets regularly on Wednesday evenings in Trinity Bar from 8pm-9:30pm, for musical worship, prayer and a short talk. If you would like to find out more please speak to Ruth (Assistant Minister) and her husband Ron for more information. Alternatively email office@stpetersharrow.org

📍Trinity Bar, Station Road, Harrow, HA1 2DE

HopeChurch Harrow View

HopeChurch Harrow View was launched as a new church in July 2020 with a small community of Christians being sent out from three Anglican churches (St Peter’s Harrow, Christ Church Roxeth and St Paul’s South Harrow). We operate under a Bishop’s Mission Order, with accountability and support from OneChurch Harrow.

HopeChurch loves being involved with life in Harrow View and finding ways to demonstrate the love of Jesus to those in need. They feel called to serve the Harrow View area, including the many residential neighbourhoods and the new communities of Harrow View West and Eastman Village on the old Kodak site.

📍People’s homes, cafes and parks around Harrow View!

Found Charity Shop

Supported by Christ Church Roxeth, Found is a charity shop with a difference. Found offers an eclectic mix of second hand clothes, bric a brac and many other reasonably priced treasures. Not only that, but they offer hot drinks as well as having friendly staff and volunteers who are always available to chat and pray. They also seek to practically support those who are going through difficult times wherever they can. They offer training and work/life skills to shop volunteers and provide work experience for local students.

📍9 Shaftesbury Circle, Harrow HA2 0AJ