Youth Ministry

We believe young people matter. So we aim to provide a wide variety of opportunities for young people.

Join in with The Gathering on Sunday evenings, or check out what else is happening during the week for young people.

What’s On In Youth?


Sunday Services


Sunday Youth

10:30am-12pm - St. Peter’s Chapel

Our Sunday group at Church for those age 11-16, during the morning services. We eat breakfast, pray, chat & look at the Bible together.

The Gathering

6:30pm-8pm - St. Peter’s Main Hall

A weekly gathering for young people from across Harrow but all are welcome! We play games, we have a talk and we worship and pray together. The cafe is open from 6pm for games and hanging out.


Midweek Groups


Older Youth

Thursdays 7:30pm-9pm - St. Peter’s Chapel

Our midweek group for those between 14 and 18. We meet twice a month for challenges, games, bible study and prayer.


The Oasis

Fridays 6:30pm-8:30pm - Christ Church Roxeth

Our Friday night youth club (term time) run in partnership with Christ Church & St. Paul’s; The Oasis is a safe space for young people to create, discover & belong. A chance to get together with friends and chill in a relaxed, open and friendly space with fun activities like table tennis, football & xbox, along with cheese toasties!

Girls/Lads Groups

Thursdays 7:30pm-9pm - St. Peter’s Chapel (Girls) & Christ Church Roxeth (Lads)

A monthly meet up for those between 14 and 18 who are part of OneChurch Harrow Youth groups or come to The Gathering. Email one of the team below to find out more!


Youth Prayer & Worship

Thursdays 7:30pm-9pm - St. Peter’s Chapel

A monthly space for all youth from OneChurch Harrow youth groups and The Gathering to worship and pray.


Coffee Shop Chats

Our Youth team love meeting up with young people to help you think about life and faith, process the tough stuff & help you see what God’s saying to you. These chats will always happen in a public place like McDonalds or a local Coffee shop and will follow our mentoring & safeguarding policies. Have a chat with us to find out more!


DofE Volunteering

Each year many of our young people do their DofE volunteering section with us at Church. Whether you’re doing your Bronze, Silver or Gold Award and need to volunteer for 3 months, 6 months or 1 year - we’d love to find you a role at Church where you can serve your Church family for an hour each week for this section. Please make sure you have signed up to your DofE Award with your School / Scouts / Another organsiation before filling in this form.



We have a Youth Journal to help our young people to engage with the 10:30 service.
Use it to make notes, write down questions and process what God might be saying to you.


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